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CTM Weekly Newsletter

This past week, CTM covered the following issues. In China: * CCP document after the third plenum * MOFCOM updates anti-dumping investigations on EU pork and US propionic acid * MOFCOM comments on EU anti-dumping duties on biodiesel, as well as trade and

U.S. Blocks Chinese WTO Panel Request on IRA Subsidies

At today's meeting of the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), the

MOFCOM Comments on EU Duties, Trade, and Investment

At a press conference today, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)

CFIUS 2024 Annual Report Offers Latest Data on Reviews of Chinese Investment in U.S.

On July 23, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), an interagency

Nippon-Baosteel Split Could Help Facilitate Nippon Purchase of U.S. Steel

Nippon Steel's offer to buy U.S. Steel has generated controversy in the

Chinese Auto Industry Criticizes EU's EV Investigation

A Chinese industry association and a major automaker criticized the European Commission's anti-subsidy

Chinese Subsidy Transparency, U.S. Chip Subsidies, CVDs against China Discussed at WTO Committee Meetings

At two recent meetings of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,

Latest News by Topic

WTO & Trade Agreements

Chinese Subsidy Transparency, U.S. Chip Subsidies, CVDs against China Discussed at WTO Committee Meetings

At two recent meetings of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, China raised a number of concerns with the countervailing duty investigations and practices of other

WTO Subsidies Committee Meeting Discusses Concerns about Chinese Overcapacity

A recent meeting of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures discussed the issue of overcapacity, with several WTO Members criticizing Chinese subsidies and their impact on

Wrap Up on China's WTO Trade Policy Review

Last week, CTM provided highlights of the first day of China's 2-day long WTO Trade Policy Review. This piece covers developments during the second day.

WTO Secretariat Issues Report on China's 2024 WTO Trade Policy Review

In addition to the Chinese government's policy statement and the statements of other WTO Members related to China's WTO Trade Policy Review, the WTO Secretariat published

Chinese Laws & Cases

Beijing Removes Viasat from Sanctions List

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today that it was removing sanctions on U.S. communications company Viasat. This is the first time that China has publicly removed

After Third-Plenum, Beijing Unveils Policies on Trade, Investment, National Security

Today, the Chinese Communist Party published an over 20,000-word document setting out a number of measures to be taken over the next five years, ranging from trade and economy

China's MFA Sanctions Six Military Companies

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced sanctions against six military and defense companies and some executives last week, based on arms sales to Taiwan.

China Publishes New Rare Earths Regulation

Last month, China announced a new regulation on rare earths, tightening control over the industry.

Foreign Laws & Cases

UK Appeals Court Ruling Upholds Complaint about Government Failure To Take Action on Uyghur Rights

In late June, a British appeals court ruled in favor of a claim by human rights groups that the UK government was not taking appropriate action under specific UK statutes

Pirelli Anti-Dumping Case Involves Mergers, Subsidies, Separate Rates, and Government Control

This piece discusses an ongoing U.S. court appeal relating to a U.S. Commerce Department anti-dumping determination against tires produced by Pirelli, an Italian company that was acquired by

TikTok Brief Elaborates on Constitutional Challenges to Divestment/Ban Statute

In a brief filed in U.S. court last week, TikTok, along with its parent company Bytedance, offered a detailed look at its legal arguments in its challenge to a

EU Court Advocate General Issues Opinion on Cross-Border Subsidies Case

In an opinion issued last week, Advocate General Tamara Ćapeta of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) concluded that the European Commission's treatment of cross-border

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