Thank you for subscribing to China Trade Monitor. We appreciate your business and please feel free to contact us with any comments, questions, or suggestions.

You should have received an email with a link that allows you finish to setting up your subscription (please check your spam folder if you don't see the email in your inbox).

To make the best use of your subscription, you can sign up for email notifications on this page or use our RSS feed.

Access to the site works a little differently than many trade policy subscription services, so we thought it was worth a brief explanation (if you are familiar with Substack, access is similar to their process). There is no username/password. Rather, each subscription is tied to your email account. Once you have set up initial access by clicking on a link in an email from China Trade Monitor that will be generated after your payment, you should then have automatic access to the site on that particular device for several months.

You will have to reactivate access periodically through the same emailed link process. We think this reactivation process should occur about every six months.

In addition, please note that access has to be established separately for each of your devices.

Finally, the email address you use for login has to be the one tied to your China Trade Monitor account.