Huan Zhu

MOFCOM Comments on EU Duties, Trade, and Investment

At a press conference today, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) provided comments on the EU's anti-dumping duties on Chinese biodiesel, the renewed effort to bolster cross-border trade and investment with risk control, and China's outbound investment.

Chinese Auto Industry Criticizes EU's EV Investigation

A Chinese industry association and a major automaker criticized the European Commission's anti-subsidy investigation of Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) as being inconsistent with WTO rules. Criticisms include inflating the subsidy rate, a lack of transparency, an unusual sampling process, and requesting excessive information.

MOFCOM Finalizes 43.5% Anti-Dumping Duties on U.S. Chemicals

China's Ministry of Commerce announced the final ruling on the anti-dumping investigation of U.S. propionic acid last week, sustaining a preliminary ruling.

Beijing Removes Viasat from Sanctions List

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today that it was removing sanctions on U.S. communications company Viasat. This is the first time that China has publicly removed a company from its sanctions list.

China Updates Anti-Dumping Investigation on EU Pork

Last week, China's Ministry of Commerce announced the sampled companies for the anti-dumping investigation on pork and related products from the European Union.

After Third-Plenum, Beijing Unveils Policies on Trade, Investment, National Security

Today, the Chinese Communist Party published an over 20,000-word document setting out a number of measures to be taken over the next five years, ranging from trade and economy to national security. Part of the national security focus is on its anti-sanctions and anti-"long-arm jurisdiction" mechanism.

China Extends Anti-Dumping Duties on Fiber Preforms from Japan and U.S.

Earlier this month, China's Ministry of Commerce announced the final ruling on the expiry review of anti-dumping measures against optical fiber preform (or fiber preform) from the United States and Japan.
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