US-Taiwan Trade

Total 46 Posts

U.S., Taiwan Hold Another Round of Trade Talks

Last week, the United States and Taiwan, under the auspices of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), held an in-person negotiating round for the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade in Taipei, Taiwan.

At Congressional Hearing, U.S. Trade Rep. Tai Comments on China Trade Issues

At a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on U.S. trade policy today, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai was asked about several China and Taiwan related trade issues: The review of the Section 301 tariffs on Chinese imports, trade negotiations with Taiwan, and China's application to

USTR Releases Agriculture, Environment, Labor Summaries of U.S.-Taiwan Trade Talks

The U.S. Trade Representative's Office has released summaries of its negotiating proposals for the second stage of the U.S.-Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative Negotiations.

Taiwanese Minister Comments on U.S.-Taiwan Trade, Labor, Digital

At a World Trade Institute webinar today, Taiwanese Minister without Portfolio John Deng, who leads Taiwan's trade negotiations, and several other trade experts discussed a number of aspects of Taiwan's trade policy and the U.S.-Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative.

U.S. and Taiwan Reaffirm Pledges on Trade and Tax

On the sideline of the WTO's Ministerial Conference last week, U.S. officials and politicians met with Taiwan's trade officials to discuss upcoming trade talks and tax arrangements.

U.S. Trade Rep. Tai Still Skeptical of Full Taiwan FTA; Taiwanese Officials Keep Pressing Anyway

In a recent interview discussing the ongoing trade talks with Taiwan, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai dismissed the chances of a free trade agreement that would involve traditional tariff liberalization. At the same time, Taiwanese officials and scholars continue to hope and call for a traditional trade agreement with

US, Taiwan Hold First Negotiations after Initial Trade Agreement Signed

The United States and Taiwan, under the auspices of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), held an in-person negotiating round for the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade in Washington, D.C. from August 14-18,
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