Total 219 Posts

At WTO Meeting, China Presses Colombia, Indonesia on Safeguard Practices

At the WTO Committee on Safeguards meeting of October 28, 2024, for which the minutes were recently circulated, China raised an issue related to the notification of Colombia's safeguard measure on wire rods and also criticized Indonesia's safeguards practices.

WTO Anti-Dumping Meeting Discusses Chinese Brandy/Pork Investigations

At the WTO Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices meeting of October 30, 2024, for which the minutes were recently circulated, the EU and Japan raised concerns with various Chinese anti-dumping measures, and China criticized UK practices related to the Brexit transition.

EU Files WTO Complaint against China on Royalties for EU High-Tech Sector

The European Commission requested consultations with China at the World Trade Organization (WTO) today, arguing that "China has empowered its courts to set binding worldwide royalty rates for EU standard essential patents, without the consent of the patent owner," leading to violations of the WTO's TRIPS

USTR Releases Annual Report on China’s WTO Compliance

Yesterday, the U.S. Trade Representative's Office (USTR) released its annual report to Congress on China's WTO compliance, with continued criticism of China's trade policies and practices.

WTO Committee Meeting Discusses Chinese Product Standards, Procurement

Chinese laws and regulations related to national standards for office devices and government procurement were discussed at the WTO's Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures meeting in October, for which the meeting minutes were recently circulated.

China-Cambodia and China-Nicaragua FTAs Go Before WTO Committee

Two recently negotiated Chinese FTAs are being examined by the WTO's Committee on Regional Trade Agreements (CRTA), and the WTO Secretariat has issued a "factual presentation" of these FTAs.

WTO Meeting Discusses Canadian EV Surtaxes

At the meeting of the WTO's Council for Trade in Goods this week, China raised the issue of Canada's recent surtaxes on Chinese goods, including on electric vehicles.
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